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Nap Transitions Mini Classes

Online classes to help you navigate the transition from 3 naps to 2 or 2 naps to 1

African American mother reading a bedtime story to her daughter seated in her lap

Nap Transitions

Let me walk you step-by-step through everything you need to navigate a nap transition.

Your mini class will cover detailed guidance to your most pressing questions, including:

  • When do we transition?

  • How do we transition?

  • What about tricky days?

  • What about daycare?

  • How do we know if we transitioned successfully?

View pricing

Cara Dumaplin speaking in a video playing on a mobile device

Simple no-tricks pricing

All Taking Cara Babies classes are covered by our 30-day, money-back guarantee.

Nap Transitions Mini Classes

Each mini class will walk you step-by-step through everything you need to navigate your baby’s nap transition.

Each class includes

  • 20 minutes of video-based teaching
  • On-demand access that never expires
  • Evidence-based strategies and practical tools you can begin using as soon as you need them
  • Sample schedules and easy-to-use lists to set you and your baby up for nap success

Nap Transitions: 3 naps to 2

$29 USD

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Nap Transitions: 2 naps to 1

$29 USD

Buy this class

Common Questions

They're for you if:

  • you want step-by-step help navigating a nap transition
  • nights and naps are generally good, but this transition feels tricky
  • you aren’t sure if you need more help and want to start with something small

The Nap Transitions mini classes come with on-demand access that never expires.

You can apply the price of your mini class towards a purchase of either Conquering Naps or The 5-24 Month Collection. Simply use the same email address to purchase, and that price adjustment will be automatically applied.

We’re happy to help! Simply email us through our contact form.